"Take the stairs, not the elevator," has become the mantra of fitness gurus everywhere when if comes to stress relief games. The idea is to incorporate movement into everyday life, which is an excellent idea, but it doesn't stop at the stairs. To practice a successful calorie shifting diet and boost your metabolism you must learn to get active. If you're like me, the idea of hitting the gym seems taxing and a bit humiliating-what if somebody sees me trip and do a nose dive on the treadmill? It is important to schedule some traditional exercise in your life (I opt for vinyasa yoga), but a lot can be accomplished simply by channeling your inner-child.
The word workout starts with work, and as adults most of us get enough of that.
What we sometimes miss out on is having fun. As children we knew how to play. An oak tree or an action figure was all we needed for a whole afternoon of activity. And even though I tossed out my Ninja Turtles and Legos long ago, I've found that re-inventing the art of play has does wonders for my body and mind.
I can't stress enough the power of the play date. It's great for your social life and best of all you don't have to beg your older brother to drive you. Adult playtime can include dancing, hiking, or even a game night. Twister and charades will get you moving, and I can personally admit to working up a sweat many times while playing the Nintendo Wii. Wee! Usually meet up for coffee to gab? Get it to go and take your chat fest for a walk. Better yet, opt for green tea to top off the outing with antioxidants.
Because we can't always choose playtime over office hours it's a good idea to make the most of eight to five. Do take the steps over the elevator, but don't stop there. Start the day right by getting off the bus a couple stops early or parking at the far end of the lot. You might even find a skip in your step if you take your I-Pod along. This will also give you a little time to mentally prepare yourself for the day. Since sitting at a desk all day drains you of energy, make the effort to get out of your cube as often as possible. Don't yell at, e-mail, or call someone across the office. By walking to them you'll get your blood flowing a bit and will probably find co-workers to be more helpful in person. Carry this habit over to your home life as well-shouting up a flight of stairs to another family member only creates stress in the home.
After hours, there are plenty of great ways to loosen up.
Museums, gardens, and even the mall are all great places to wind down with out sitting down. As children there was no greater adventure than a bit of exploration. You don't have to jet off to another continent to see new wonders. Try ambling down a new avenue or taking a risk by setting out into the woods (carefully of course). Don't like going it alone? Adopting a dog will make walking fun and will give you a reason to get out and about every day.
The point is to lighten up your attitude as well as your body. Enjoy life with more enthusiasm and you'll find that movement comes naturally. Get into the music and dance-even sing into the spatula while cooking dinner. Shake out your frustration, really stretch in the morning, literally jump for joy! Don't let anybody do things for you that you can do for yourself-carry your own grocery bags to the car, take out the trash, take pride in your strength and have fun. Playing everyday will make the path toward wellness seem like hopscotch. Stress relief games are important for everyone!