Better Than Pilates, It's Pirates - The Four Step Plan to Lose the Bilge and Reshape Your Booty

Well shiver me timbers, if it arn't another September.  That can only mean on thing.  Time to dust off me Pirate dictionary in time for "International Talk Like a Pirate Day" on September 18th!

You know, pirate life was not all fun and games. Looting and pillaging took a surprising amount of energy, stamina, and agility. After extensive research, and a few rum cocktails, I've uncovered a top-secret pirate manuscript.  It details how the oled scalliwags used to shake off the barnacles to get themselves ready for plunder season.

I call this 4-step workout Pilates er, I mean Pirates.

To get rid of that unsightly bilge, simply do the following four exercises each day before swabbing down the poop-deck.

1. Walk the Plank. On yer mat, git in plank position (face down, body stiff as a board with arrhms straight and hands directly under yer shoulders).  While keeping your core tight with no break at the waist, take 4 baby steps forward with yer feet and hands, then 4 steps back. Repeat 4 times.

2. The Downward Salty Dog. From plank position, walk yer boots forward, raising yer tailbone skyward. Try to keep yer arrhms in line with yer torso and press yer shoulders t'ward the floor. Hold fer one minute.

3. Crazy Pieces of Eight (or Treasure Curls). With a large bottle of rum in each hand (or hook), bring them up until yer elbows be at 90 degree angles. Keeping the port arrhm there, lower and raise the starboard arrhm eight times. Repeat for the other side.

4. Hull Squats (pronounced skw-arrgh-ts). These are critical for any seafarer desiring a fine pirate booty! With yer back against the side o' yer ship, drop down until yer legs arrgh at a 90 degree angle. Hold that position until ye can no longer stand or ye passes out, whichever comes first.

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and do yer Pirates routine every day to prevent scurvy, and keep yer buckles swarshing and yer scallys wagging fer many, many adventures to come.

The More I Read the More Worthless I Feel

I'm going to have to do it. I'm going to have to break up with some of my magazines.

One of the ways I relax is to grab my favorite magazine, fill Pinky (my deep, porcelain on steel, clawfoot tub in my insanely pink bathroom) with bubbles, and soak for an hour reading. I read a variety of magazines, most of them fitness and health oriented. But I've found that lately, instead of making me feel better about myself, they're making me question whether our relationship should continue.

It started last month with a bikini issue of a magazine devoted to women and fitness. It promised that even I could have a bikini body. The pages were full of empty promises and photos of swimsuit models with flat tummies and abs. Now I guarantee I work as hard at my fitness as any of those girls do, but I won't ever have a bikini matter what my magazine whispers in my ear...not even with these five belly-fat blasting moves! My longsuffering husband sat and listened to me rail that this magazine, rather than making women feel better about themselves, was doing just the opposite! After all, according to the pages, EVERYONE can have a bikini body...everyone, that is, EXCEPT YOU!

That was the first magazine to get the boot. I didn't need to be reminded every year that everyone, except me (and about 80% of the female population) can have a bikini body.

Then last month I got another magazine that promised to let me in on a few secrets that were giving away my age. "Okay," I thought, "I'll bite!" So, feeling pretty darn good about my 44 year old size 2/4 body that has carried me through 33 marathons, and can still garner catcalls from "Woo Guys" on a sunny, I sunk into Pinky ready to make sure I wasn't wearing white after Labor day or some other egregious sin, decrying that I was not YOUNG but was, indeed MIDDLE AGED.

By the time I was done having the conversation with my beloved magazine, I was sure I needed laser resurfacing on my face, Restlin stuffed into my horrifying smile lines, poison injected into my forehead, and an eye lift. Wouldn't it just be a lot cheaper to invest in a sturdy paper bag to spare society the sight of my visage?

Into the trash went THAT magazine.

Today I grabbed a magazine all about women's fitness and started an article about how women in their 20s, 30s, and 40s could have their best bodies. A minute-old harbody showed me some great moves to tone my abs and buns. I read, always eager to learn more about how I could take this amazing body from my 40s into my 50s looking and feeling my best.

Instead I got the literary version of a condescending pat on the head ("Hot mama?!" Some of us 40-somethings actually are NOT mamas). Then I read that, like it or not, I was going to gain weight, but even though I certainly wasn't ever going to get back what I might have had at one point, I could still get some results from these moves (if they let me out of the Home, and I didn't break a hip in the process).

So that's it! They are all gone! I'm sticking with my gender-neutral magazines from now on! No one tells Lance Armstrong he could use some Botox (but I'm betting someone might mention it to Dara Torres). After all, I have enough self doubt as it is without a magazine adding to it.

So magazines, and you know who you are, consider our relationship OVER. Go abuse other women because I'm through being your punching bag. Or better yet, how about helping ALL women feel strong and confident where they are, helping them to reach their goals, without cataloging their flaws.

9bardentreffen009bühnenabbaulivefilmbikegalacomtv filmbikelive Musikanten aus aller Welt Live Beim Bardentreffen 2009! Die etwas andere Perspektive LIVE beim bardentreffenbühnenabbau! Live Musikanten beim Bardentreffen! Musikanten aus aller Welt ohne Grenzen zu Gast in Nürnberg! Live am Hauptmarkt, Insel Schütt, St. Katharina, Lorenzer Platz, Sebalder Platz, Kreuzigungshof, Trödelmarkt sowie eine Bardendisco gab es beim Barden 2009! Rauschs des Ohres und es Auges! Barden lockten Massen von Musikfans ohne Grenzen zum 34. Nürnberger Bardentreffen. Gastland war diesjährig die Schweiz. Mehr als 200 000 Besuchern berauschten sich mit unterschiedlichster Musikimpulsen!.Auf sieben Open-Air-Bühnen in der Altstadt finden 60 Gratiskonzerte statt. Das Angebot reicht von Weltmusik, rocknroll, britischen Altmeister Steve Gibbons bis zu der tibetanischen Sängerin Yungchen und vielen weiteren kreativen Künstlern! (Die etwas andere Werbung!). Mit den willkommensten charityfilmgrüssen, von Win More an die Sponsoren: Jede Reaktiv-Xco-Sport-Minute zählt! Kontakt: filmportfolio:

Parkour Parana By gab..

video de todos los morocos q se juntan a correr y saltar... nombres posibles: somos los hijos del javi, las 15 cenicientas i el enanito, street vertigo, suns of lea virgen, entre otros... xd A--BP/D: q la coman los del mayorazgo..

bahnagschienenflexmomentelivemrwinmorefilmbikegalacomtv filmbikelive Musikanten aus aller Welt Live beim Bardentreffen 2009! Von Schiene zu Barden! Die etwas andere Perspektive LIVE beim bardentreffenbühnenabbau! Live Musikanten beim Bardentreffen! Musikanten aus aller Welt ohne Grenzen zu Gast in Nürnberg! Live am Hauptmarkt, Insel Schütt, St. Katharina, Lorenzer Platz, Sebalder Platz, Kreuzigungshof, Trödelmarkt sowie eine Bardendisco gab es beim Barden 2009! Rauschs des Ohres und es Auges! Barden lockten Massen von Musikfans ohne Grenzen zum 34. Nürnberger Bardentreffen. Gastland war diesjährig die Schweiz. Mehr als 200 000 Besuchern berauschten sich mit unterschiedlichster Musikimpulsen!.Auf sieben Open-Air-Bühnen in der Altstadt finden 60 Gratiskonzerte statt. Das Angebot reicht von Weltmusik, rocknroll, britischen Altmeister Steve Gibbons bis zu der tibetanischen Sängerin Yungchen und vielen weiteren kreativen Künstlern! Herzlichen Dank für die (Charitybegleitung Olympus-Kameras) an Herrn georgew.Bö! (Die etwas andere charitywerbung-PR!). Mit den willkommensten charityfilmgrüssen, von Win More an die Sponsoren: Jede Reaktiv-Xco-Sport-Minute zählt! Kontakt: filmportfolio:

Traverse City Comedy - Special Report on the Nations Best Comedy in Traverse City

Remember all those hours spent laughing with your friends and family watching the latest comedy show.

There aren't to many places that offer the Nations top Comedy performances here in Traverse City. It's of no surprise that Traverse City just isn't quite big enough to attract great Comedy acts.

Great times in front of the T.V. but unfortunately you weren't there for the actual live event.

Comedy shows are exactly the same as going to a concert to watch your favorite band. Its a completely different atmosphere, more energy, excitement and life to the event. Making for a much better experience.

There is an event coming very soon to our local home town, and with it some big names in the comic Industry. Traverse City Comedy will soon be turned upside down.

Three of the nations top comedians will be performing at the Leelanau Sands Casino, Dave Dyer, Greg Warren, and Bob Zany!

Possibly the best part about the program is that it benefits The Suttons Bay Community first non-profit organization.

Instead of watching Last Comic Standing through your TV you now have the Opportunity to attend a live, professional Traverse City Comedy Show. As a reminder, these acts are professionals in the industry, no amateur acts, no dead crowds.

Be prepared to be awe-struck, hit with endless laughter, and leave the night with a perma-grin. Your cheeks will be sore from laughing all night!

No longer is the Traverse City area "to small for big name acts." But now its a comedy destination for many more professional acts to come!

Interesting Articles in the AJCN

I just received an RSS alert for the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition's latest articles. This upcoming issue is full of very interesting material:

1. Dr. Neil D. Barnard reviews food consumption patterns in the US from 1909 to 2007 (1). This is something I've written about a number of times. The most notable change is that industrial seed oil use has increased by more than 3-fold in the last 40 years, and even more in the last 100 although he doesn't provide those numbers. Butter and lard use declined sharply. Meat consumption is up, but the increase comes exclusively from poultry because we're eating the same amount of red meat we always have. Grain consumption is down, although it peaked around 1900 so it may not be a fair comparison with today:
In the late 1800s, wheat flours became more popular and available due to the introduction of new [high-gluten] wheat varieties, [low extraction] milling techniques, and transport methods, and during this time new breakfast cereals were introduced by John Harvey Kellogg, CW Post, and the Quaker Oats Company. Thereafter, however, per capita availability of flour and cereal products gradually dropped as increased prosperity, improved mechanization, and transport (eg, refrigerated railway cars) increased competition from other food groups. [Then they partially rebounded in the last 40 years]
2. Dr. S.C. Larsson published a paper showing that in Sweden, multivitamin use is associated with a slightly higher risk of breast cancer (2).

3. Soy protein and isoflavones, which have been proposed to do everything from increase bone mineral density to fight cancer, are slowly falling out of favor. Dr. Z.M. Liu and colleagues show that soy protein and/or isoflavone supplementation has no effect on insulin sensitivity or glucose tolerance in a 6 month trial (3). This follows a recent trial showing that isoflavones have no effect on bone mineral density.

4. Dr. Ines Birlouez-Aragon and colleagues showed that high-heat cooked (fried and sauteed) foods increase risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease (insulin resistance, cholesterol, triglycerides), compared to low-heat cooked foods (steamed, stewed) in a one-month trial (4). The high-heat diet also reduced serum levels of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins C and E.

5. Dr. Katharina Nimptsch and colleagues showed that higher menaquinone (vitamin K2) intake is associated with a lower cancer incidence and lower cancer mortality in Europeans (5). Most of their K2 came from cheese.

6. And finally, Dr. Zhaoping Li and colleagues showed that cooking meat with an herb and spice blend reduced the levels of oxidized fat during cooking, and reduced serum and urinary markers of lipid oxidation in people eating the meat (6).

The take-home message? Eat stewed beef with herbs, but don't pre-brown it in vegetable oil. Throw out the tofu and have some artisanal cheese instead.

10bardentreffen009bühnenabbaulivefilmbikegalacomtv filmbikelive Musikanten aus aller Welt Live Beim Bardentreffen 2009! Die etwas andere Perspektive LIVE beim bardentreffenbühnenabbau! Live Musikanten beim Bardentreffen! Musikanten aus aller Welt ohne Grenzen zu Gast in Nürnberg! Live am Hauptmarkt, Insel Schütt, St. Katharina, Lorenzer Platz, Sebalder Platz, Kreuzigungshof, Trödelmarkt sowie eine Bardendisco gab es beim Barden 2009! Rauschs des Ohres und es Auges! Barden lockten Massen von Musikfans ohne Grenzen zum 34. Nürnberger Bardentreffen. Gastland war diesjährig die Schweiz. Mehr als 200 000 Besuchern berauschten sich mit unterschiedlichster Musikimpulsen!.Auf sieben Open-Air-Bühnen in der Altstadt finden 60 Gratiskonzerte statt. Das Angebot reicht von Weltmusik, rocknroll, britischen Altmeister Steve Gibbons bis zu der tibetanischen Sängerin Yungchen und vielen weiteren kreativen Künstlern! Herzlichen Dank für die (Charitybegleitung Olympus-Kameras) an Herrn georgew.Bö! (Die etwas andere Werbung!). Mit den willkommensten charityfilmgrüssen, von Win More an die Sponsoren: Jede Reaktiv-Xco-Sport-Minute zählt! Kontakt: filmportfolio:

The Council of the pharmacist (part trilogy Sport 1)

Sports, athletic sports Trilogy: (1) From ancient times is now your pharmacy and the center ATHLETES Pharmacy! Ability to write a series of athletes. Today I log out of the Stadio Olimpico. Not from Bird's Nest in Beijing. But from the original in Olympia. At that time, over 2000 years ago, when there was every 4 years Olympic Games. Then, when the boys always in the stadium itself, which was held at Olympia, in honor of the gods, a race, and threw sprongen were nobleWomen are excluded. As spectators and as participants in any case. By Zeus, the only people who would not obey them, were the Amazons. Although at that time the orange peel was still unknown, have made a good impression. Your horse. While continuing to fire on all cylinders, respectively. Quivers. That was almost a modern-around. Man (n), fought naked, so that we could not put any publicity. The only one to benefit from these Prachtkerle "was a priestess dressed in white. You will not believe possible, however, the BILD was still there. Furthermore, there were no medals, the winner you have a laurel wreath fresh. Now you know why so soon vanishes fame. The richest of Rome machten after a 'sport to keep their slaves as gladiators on their fingers. Millennia have survived from ancient Greece to today, but important concepts, without the victories hard to imagineare: animal-...

New Review of Controlled Trials Replacing Saturated fat with Industrial Seed Oils

Readers Stanley and JBG just informed me of a new review paper by Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian and colleagues. Dr. Mozaffarian is one of the Harvard epidemiologists responsible for the Nurse's Health study. The authors claim that overall, the controlled trials show that replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat from industrial seed oils, but not carbohydrate or monounsaturated fat (as in olive oil), slightly reduces the risk of having a heart attack:
These findings provide evidence that consuming PUFA in place of SFA reduces CHD events in RCTs [how do you like the acronyms?]. This suggests that rather than trying to lower PUFA consumption, a shift toward greater population PUFA consumption in place of SFA would significantly reduce rates of CHD.
Looking at the studies they included in their analysis (and at those they excluded), it looks like they did a very nice job cherry picking. For example:
  • They included the Finnish Mental Hospital trial, which is a terrible trial for a number of reasons. It wasn't randomized, appropriately controlled or even semi-blinded*. Thus, it doesn't fit the authors' stated inclusion criteria, but they included it in their analysis anyway**. Besides, the magnitude of the result has never been replicated by better trials, not even close.
  • They included two trials that changed more than just the proportion of SFA to PUFA. For example, the Oslo Diet-heart trial replaced animal fat with seed oils, but also increased fruit, nut, vegetable and fish intake, while reducing trans fat margarine intake! The STARS trial increased both omega-6 and omega-3, reduced processed food intake, and increased fruit and vegetable intake! These obviously aren't controlled trials isolating the issue of dietary fat substitution. If you subtract the four inappropriate trials from their analysis, which is half the studies they analyzed, the result disappears. Those four just happened to show the largest reduction in heart attack mortality...
  • They excluded the Rose et al. corn oil trial and the Sydney Diet-heart trial. Both found a large increase in total mortality from replacing animal fat with seed oils, and the Rose trial found a large increase in heart attack deaths (the Sydney trial didn't report CHD deaths, but Dr. Mozaffarian et al. stated in their paper that they contacted authors to obtain unpublished results. Why didn't they contact the authors of this study?).
The authors claim, based on their analysis, that replacing 5% of calories as saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat would reduce the risk of having a heart attack by 10%. Take a minute to think about the implications of that statement. For the average American, that means cutting saturated fat nearly in half to 6% of energy, which is a real challenge if you want to have a semblance of a normal diet. It also means nearly doubling PUFA intake, which will come mostly from seed oils if you follow the authors' advice.

So basically, even if the authors' conclusion were correct, you overhaul your whole diet and replace natural foods with bland unnatural foods, and...? You reduce your 10-year risk of having a heart attack from 10 percent to 9 percent. Without affecting your overall risk of dying! The paper states that the interventions didn't affect overall mortality at all. That's what they're talking about here. Sign me up!

* Autopsies were not conducted in a blinded manner. Physicians knew which hospital the cadavers came from, because autopsies were done on-site. There is some confusion about this point because the second paper states that physicians interpreted the autopsy reports in a blinded manner. But that doesn't make it blinded, since the autopsies weren't blinded. The patients were also not blinded, so the study overall was highly susceptible to bias.

** They refer to it as "cluster randomized". I don't know if that term accurately applies to the Finnish trial or not. The investigators definitely didn't randomize the individual patients: whichever hospital a person was being treated in, that's the food he/she ate. There were only two hospitals, so "cluster randomization" in this case would just refer to deciding which hospital got the intervention first. Can this accurately be called randomized?

Candice Michelle VS Beth Phoenix for the Women's Championship - Unforgiven 2007 (Pt. 1)

The Glamazon had enough showing her power and stregnth by defeating every Diva on the roster, finally she won her championship match against Candice Michelle; the Women's Champion, this is their first championship match.

1bardentreffen009bühnenabbaulivefilmbikegalacomtv filmbikelive Musikanten aus aller Welt Live Beim Bardentreffen 2009! Die etwas andere Perspektive LIVE beim bardentreffenbühnenabbau! Live Musikanten beim Bardentreffen! Musikanten aus aller Welt ohne Grenzen zu Gast in Nürnberg! Live am Hauptmarkt, Insel Schütt, St. Katharina, Lorenzer Platz, Sebalder Platz, Kreuzigungshof, Trödelmarkt sowie eine Bardendisco gab es beim Barden 2009! Rauschs des Ohres und es Auges! Barden lockten Massen von Musikfans ohne Grenzen zum 34. Nürnberger Bardentreffen. Gastland war diesjährig die Schweiz. Mehr als 200 000 Besuchern berauschten sich mit unterschiedlichster Musikimpulsen!.Auf sieben Open-Air-Bühnen in der Altstadt finden 60 Gratiskonzerte statt. Das Angebot reicht von Weltmusik, rocknroll, britischen Altmeister Steve Gibbons bis zu der tibetanischen Sängerin Yungchen und vielen weiteren kreativen Künstlern! Herzlichen Dank für die (Charitybegleitung Olympus-Kameras) an Herrn georgew.Bö! (Die etwas andere Werbung!). Mit den willkommensten charityfilmgrüssen, von Win More an die Sponsoren: Jede Reaktiv-Xco-Sport-Minute zählt! Kontakt: filmportfolio:

filmbike11bardentourliveburgringgalacomtv Musikanten aus aller Welt Live Beim Bardentreffen 2009! Live Musikanten beim Bardentreffen! Musikanten aus aller Welt ohne Grenzen zu Gast in Nürnberg! Live am Hauptmarkt, Insel Schütt, St. Katharina, Lorenzer Platz, Sebalder Platz, Kreuzigungshof, Trödelmarkt sowie eine Bardendisco gab es beim Barden 2009! Rausch des Ohres und es Auges! Barden lockten Massen von Musikfans ohne Grenzen zum 34. Nürnberger Bardentreffen. Gastland war diesjährig die Schweiz. Mehr als 200 000 Besuchern berauschten sich mit unterschiedlichster Musikimpulsen!.Auf sieben Open-Air-Bühnen in der Altstadt finden 60 Gratiskonzerte statt. Das Angebot reicht von Weltmusik, rocknroll, britischen Altmeister Steve Gibbons bis zu der tibetanischen Sängerin Yungchen und vielen weiteren kreativen Künstlern! (Die etwas andere Werbung!). Mit den willkommensten charityfilmgrüssen, von Win More an die Sponsoren: Jede Reaktiv-Xco-Sport-Minute zählt! filmportfolio: Kontakt:

Fatty Liver: It's not Just for Grown-ups Anymore

The epidemic of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of my favorite topics on this blog, due to the liver's role as the body's metabolic "grand central station", as Dr. Philip Wood puts it. The liver plays a critical part in the regulation of sugar, insulin, and lipid levels in the blood. Many of the routine blood tests administered in the doctor's office (blood glucose, cholesterol, etc.) partially reflect liver function.

NAFLD is an excessive accumulation of fat in the liver that impairs its function and can lead to severe liver inflammation (NASH), and in a small percentage of people, liver cancer. An estimated 20-30% of people in industrial nations suffer from NAFLD, a shockingly high prevalence (1).

I previously posted on dietary factors I believe are involved in NAFLD. In rodents, feeding a large amount of sugar or industrial seed oils (corn oil, etc.) promotes NAFLD, whereas fats such as butter and coconut oil do not (2). In human infants, enteric feeding with industrial seed oils causes severe liver damage, whereas the same amount of fat from fish oil doesn't, and can even reverse the damage done by seed oils (3).

So basically, I think sugar and industrial oils are major contributors to NAFLD, and if you look at diet trends in the US over the last 40 years, they're consistent with the idea. Industrial oils are harmful due (at least in part) to their high omega-6 content, which is problematic partially because it disturbs normal omega-3 metabolism. A potential solution to fatty liver is to reduce sugar, replace industrial oils with natural fats, and ensure a regular source of omega-3. I've posted two anecdotes of people rapidly healing their fatty livers using diet changes* (4, 5).

I recently came across a study that examined the diet of Canadian children with NAFLD (6). The children had a high sugar intake, a typical (i.e., high) omega-6 intake, and a low omega-3 intake. The authors claimed that the children also had a high saturated fat intake, but at 10.5% of calories, they were almost eating to the American Heart Association's "Step I" diet recommendations**. Busted! Total fat intake was also low.

High sugar consumption was associated with a larger waist circumference, insulin resistance, lower adiponectin and elevated markers of inflammation. High omega-6 intake was associated with markers of inflammation. Low omega-3 intake was associated with insulin resistance and elevated liver enzymes. Saturated fat intake presumably had no relation to any of these markers, since they didn't mention it in the text.

These children with NAFLD, who were all insulin resistant and mostly obese, had diets high in omega-6, high in sugar, and low in omega-3. This is consistent with the idea that these three factors, which have all been moving in the wrong direction in the last 40 years, contribute to NAFLD.

* Fatty liver was assessed by liver enzymes, admittedly not a perfect test. However, elevated liver enzymes do correlate fairly well with NAFLD.

** Steps I and II were replaced by new diet advice in 2000. The AHA now recommends keeping saturated fat below 7% of calories. Stock up on those skinless chicken breasts! Make sure there isn't any residual fat sticking to the meat, it might kill you. I do have to give the AHA credit however, because their new recommendations focus mostly on eating real food rather than avoiding saturated fat and cholesterol.

Secret Wars Germany @ IT Fitness Camp Zwickau

Anlässlich der Street Culture Show des IT Fitness Camp in Zwickau wurde CROMATICS gebeten den Abend mit einem Secret Wars Germany event zu gestalten. Mit dabei waren der erste deutsche Vizemeister CAPARSO und CEE. von CROMATICS. Beide haben sich tapfer geschlagen und hatten viel Spaß. Am Abend wurden sogar noch einige Leinwände von den beiden erfolgreich versteigert und später gab es noch Souvenire auf die nackte Haut, Taschen und alles was man sonst noch so bemalen konnte. Wir danken wie immer unserem Videoteam von veitv und fx2screen für diesen wunderschönen Trailer! Mehr Informationen gibt es auf:

Rückenschmerzen? Schlafstörung? Stress ? Fettleibligkeit?

Die EMOS Reise Wasserauflage macht aus Ihrem Reise- oder Urlaubsbett in Minuten Ihre heimische Wohlfühloase! Sauber, bequem und in Minuten aufgebaut. Überall schlafen wie zu Hause!!!Das gab es noch NIE! Nehmen Sie Ihr Bett einfach mit in den Urlaub. Schlafen Sie auf Wasser... zu Hause UND im Urlaub!!! Nichts ist schlimmer als ungemütliche Betten im Urlaub. Unruhig schlafen macht dick! **Zu hoher Cortisol-Spiegel** -Infektanfälligkeit -Adipositas -Neigung zur Fetteinlagerung -Übergewicht -Osteosporose -Depression -Muskelschwäche -Nervosität -Kopfschmerzen -Migräne


60Jahre Spielwarenmesse International Toy Fair ´009 zu Nürnberg / Germany gratuliert! Zum 05.02.2009 wurde das Jubiläum der 60. Internationalen Spielwarenmesse zu Nürnberg durch die amtierende Bundeskanzlerin Frau Dr. Angela Merkel, und des amtierenden Bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten Herrn Horst Seehofer eröffnet! Frau Dr. Angela Merkel merkte herausragend an, dass die weltbekannteste Spielwarenmesse unseres Globuses mit dem Standort Nürnberg zu Germany ein Beispiel von vielen sein soll, um wieder den deutschen Vorzeige-Präzisionsmoter der Willens- und Leistungskraft nachhaltigst zu positionieren! Unter dem Motto, spielerisch vital-kommunikativ Impulse zu setzen, wurden die Besucher aus Nah und Fern, von Presse bis Branche von den Trampolin-Ballartisten im Empfangsfoyer imponierend dynamisch interaktiv (zugeworfenen Ball fangen und zurück werfen) empfangen! George W. Böhm, der weltbekannte Charitybegleiter von Mr. winmore filmte dieses liveinterview auf der Spielwarenmesse zu Nürnberg! Der eine oder andere Produktmanager aus den USA, Frankreich, Holland und Korea war sehr begeistert, als ich Win More von ihn fragte, wie er denn den hiesigen Spielekongress betrachte. Man hat sich sehr gelungen etwas einfallen lassen, um neue und nachhaltige Impulse für die scheinbar derzeitige weltweite Wirtschaftslage zu setzen! Nur aktiv entgegnend wird man langfristig Erfolg positionieren! Herr Hermet vom Jugend Förderverein aus Denzlingen war als ...

Book Review: The Primal Blueprint

Mark Sisson has been a central figure in the evolutionary health community since he began his weblog Mark's Daily Apple in 2006. He and his staff have been posting daily on his blog ever since. He has also written several other books, edited the Optimum Health newsletter, competed as a high-level endurance athlete, and served on the International Triathlon Union as the anti-doping chairman, all of which you can read about on his biography page. Mark is a practice-what-you-preach kind of guy, and if physical appearance means anything, he's on to something.

In 2009, Mark published his long-awaited book The Primal Blueprint. He self-published the book, which has advantages and disadvantages. The big advantage is that you aren't subject to the sometimes onerous demands of publishers, who attempt to maximize sales at Barnes and Noble. The front cover sports a simple picture of Mark, rather than a sunbaked swimsuit model, and the back cover offers no ridiculous claims of instant beauty and fat loss.

The drawback of self-publishing is it's more difficult to break into a wider market. That's why Mark has asked me to publish my review of his book today. He's trying to push it up in the rankings so that it gets a broader exposure. If you've been thinking about buying Mark's book, now is a good time to do it. If you order it from on March 17th, Mark is offering to sweeten the deal with some freebies on his site Mark's Daily Apple. Full disclosure: I'm not getting anything out of this, I'm simply mentioning it because I was reviewing Mark's book anyway and I thought some readers might enjoy it.

The Primal Blueprint is not a weight loss or diet book, it's a lifestyle program with an evolutionary slant. Mark uses the example of historical and contemporary hunter-gatherers as a model, and attempts to apply those lessons to life in the 21st century. He does it in a way that's empowering accessible to nearly everyone. To illustrate his points, he uses the example of an archetypal hunter-gatherer called Grok, and his 21st century mirror image, the Korg family.

The diet section will be familiar to anyone who has read about "paleolithic"-type diets. He advocates eating meats including organs, seafood, eggs, nuts, abundant vegetables, and fruit. He also suggests avoiding grains, legumes, dairy (although he's not very militant about this one), processed food in general, and reducing carbohydrate to less than 150 grams per day. I like his diet suggestions because they focus on real food. Mark is not a drill sergeant. He tries to create a plan that will be sustainable in the long run, by staying positive and allowing for cheats.

We part ways on the issue of carbohydrate. He suggests that eating more than 150 grams of carbohydrate per day leads to fat gain and disease, whereas I feel that position is untenable in light of what we know of non-industrial cultures (including some relatively high-carbohydrate hunter-gatherers). Although carbohydrate restriction (or at least wheat and sugar restriction) does have its place in treating obesity and metabolic dysfunction in modern populations, ultimately I don't think it's necessary for the prevention of those same problems, and it can even be counterproductive in some cases. Mark does acknowledge that refined carbohydrates are the main culprits.

The book's diet section also recommends nutritional supplements, including a multivitamin/mineral, antioxidant supplement, probiotics, protein powder and fish oil. I'm not a big proponent of supplementation. I'm also a bit of a hypocrite because I do take small doses of fish oil (when I haven't had seafood recently), and vitamin D in wintertime. But I can't get behind protein powders and antioxidant supplements.

Mark's suggestions for exercise, sun exposure, sleep and stress management make good sense to me. In a nutshell: do all three, but keep the exercise varied and don't overdo it. As a former high-level endurance athlete, he has a lot of credibility here. He puts everything in a format that's practical, accessible and empowering.

I think The Primal Blueprint is a useful book for a person who wants to maintain or improve her health. Although we disagree on the issue of carbohydrate, the diet and lifestyle advice is solid and will definitely be a vast improvement over what the average person is doing. The Primal Blueprint is not an academic book, nor does it attempt to be. It doesn't contain many references (although it does contain some), and it won't satisfy someone looking for an in-depth discussion of the scientific literature. However, it's perfect for someone who's getting started and needs guidance, or who simply wants a more comprehensive source than reading blog snippets. It would make a great gift for that family member or friend who's been asking how you stay in such good shape.

filmbike26bardentourlivetheouthouseorchestraausgalacomtv filmbikelive Musikanten aus aller Welt Live Beim Bardentreffen 2009! Live Musikanten beim Bardentreffen! Musikanten aus aller Welt ohne Grenzen zu Gast in Nürnberg! Live am Hauptmarkt, Insel Schütt, St. Katharina, Lorenzer Platz, Sebalder Platz, Kreuzigungshof, Trödelmarkt sowie eine Bardendisco gab es beim Barden 2009! Rauschs des Ohres und es Auges! Barden lockten Massen von Musikfans ohne Grenzen zum 34. Nürnberger Bardentreffen. Gastland war diesjährig die Schweiz. Mehr als 200 000 Besuchern berauschten sich mit unterschiedlichster Musikimpulsen!.Auf sieben Open-Air-Bühnen in der Altstadt finden 60 Gratiskonzerte statt. Das Angebot reicht von Weltmusik, rocknroll, britischen Altmeister Steve Gibbons bis zu der tibetanischen Sängerin Yungchen und vielen weiteren kreativen Künstlern! (Die etwas andere Werbung!). Mit den willkommensten charityfilmgrüssen, von Win More an die Sponsoren: Jede Reaktiv-Xco-Sport-Minute zählt! Kontakt: filmportfolio:

filmbike28bardentourlivegelateriaeismusikgalacomtv filmbikelive Musikanten aus aller Welt Live Beim Bardentreffen 2009! Live Musikanten beim Bardentreffen! Musikanten aus aller Welt ohne Grenzen zu Gast in Nürnberg! Live am Hauptmarkt, Insel Schütt, St. Katharina, Lorenzer Platz, Sebalder Platz, Kreuzigungshof, Trödelmarkt sowie eine Bardendisco gab es beim Barden 2009! Rauschs des Ohres und es Auges! Barden lockten Massen von Musikfans ohne Grenzen zum 34. Nürnberger Bardentreffen. Gastland war diesjährig die Schweiz. Mehr als 200 000 Besuchern berauschten sich mit unterschiedlichster Musikimpulsen!.Auf sieben Open-Air-Bühnen in der Altstadt finden 60 Gratiskonzerte statt. Das Angebot reicht von Weltmusik, rocknroll, britischen Altmeister Steve Gibbons bis zu der tibetanischen Sängerin Yungchen und vielen weiteren kreativen Künstlern! (Die etwas andere Werbung!). Mit den willkommensten charityfilmgrüssen, von Win More an die Sponsoren: Jede Reaktiv-Xco-Sport-Minute zählt! Kontakt: filmportfolio:

filmbike19bardentourliveclassikjongleuregalacomtv Musikanten aus aller Welt Live Beim Bardentreffen 2009! Live Musikanten beim Bardentreffen! Musikanten aus aller Welt ohne Grenzen zu Gast in Nürnberg! Live am Hauptmarkt, Insel Schütt, St. Katharina, Lorenzer Platz, Sebalder Platz, Kreuzigungshof, Trödelmarkt sowie eine Bardendisco gab es beim Barden 2009! Rausch des Ohres und es Auges! Barden lockten Massen von Musikfans ohne Grenzen zum 34. Nürnberger Bardentreffen. Gastland war diesjährig die Schweiz. Mehr als 200 000 Besuchern berauschten sich mit unterschiedlichster Musikimpulsen!.Auf sieben Open-Air-Bühnen in der Altstadt finden 60 Gratiskonzerte statt. Das Angebot reicht von Weltmusik, rocknroll, britischen Altmeister Steve Gibbons bis zu der tibetanischen Sängerin Yungchen und vielen weiteren kreativen Künstlern! (Die etwas andere Werbung!). Mit den willkommensten charityfilmgrüssen, von Win More an die Sponsoren: Jede Reaktiv-Xco-Sport-Minute zählt! filmportfolio: Kontakt:


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Interview on Bizymoms

I recently did a written interview for the website It was the first time I had been invited to do an interview, so I figured what the heck. They bravely posted the interview, despite the fact that my responses could be seen as controversial. You can find it here.

Ischios Dehnung

Das gab nen tierischen Muskelkater im Arsch... :(

How Christian Board Games Help You Learn the Bible

A number of board games exist which can help you improve your trivia knowledge, verbal skills, creative thinking, all in a fun way. However, most of these games aren't suited to help you improve your Bible knowledge in any way, and if your faith is the most important thing in your life, this could be a problem. Having a wide base of Bible knowledge can be more important than knowing trivia, having great verbal skills or even your creative thinking, for none of those things will help you strengthen your faith as a good, working knowledge of the Bible will.

Bible games actually date back into the late 1890s. The Decker Partners released a game called Bible Characters. The game experienced some popularity because soon after, other games started to be released, with titles like Bible Authors, Bible Game of Facts, Places, and Events, and Bible Boys. Since this time, there has always been a market for quality board games based on the Bible, however unknown it might be to the general public.

Today, a number of board games exist in a variety of formats to help stimulate your Bible knowledge. Apples to Apples, a popular word association game, has a special Bible edition to help you start to draw associations between Biblical characters and events. This can help you start to understand the Bible better in connections between people, events, and different themes that the Bible tries to instruct on. In the same vein, the popular game Mad Gab has a special Bible version available to interested players. In this game, you need to sound out a seemingly nonsense phrase made up of random words. However, when spoken in the correct way, these words make a phrase that is also related to the Bible. Having a broad base of Bible knowledge can only help you do well in this game and this, in turn, can help you inspire to study the Bible more.

There are a few Bible Trivia DVD games available to players, allowing them to focus more on the game and putting everyone at a level playing field. When you play a Bible trivia game, it is almost assuredly so that you will learn at least one new Bible fact during game play. The Bible is a wealth of knowledge, not only in its instruction, but also in the facts and trivia that it contains. There are many different situations and people mentioned in the Bible and knowing all of it would be a daunting task for anyone. By playing a Bible trivia game, you really can help improve your Bible trivia knowledge.

There are a number of Biblical strategy games available to you as well. These games don't focus as much on the trivia and knowledge aspect of the Bible as much as recreating a event or a scene from the Bible for players to play out in the game. Why this game may not directly increase your knowledge of the Bible, it can be great for making you and the other players more interested in the events you are playing out, inspiring you to find out more. The Bible is a great source of inspiration, not only for your faith, but to find fun also!

Vitamin D May Prevent Flu and Asthma

The AJCN just published a new controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of vitamin D supplements on flu and asthma (1). Dr. Hiroyuki Ida's group gave Japanese schoolchildren (10 years average age) 1,200 IU of vitamin D3 or placebo per day from December through March. They found that children taking vitamin D had a significantly lower incidence of influenza A but not influenza B. These are two strains of flu that each accounted for roughly half the flu incidence in this population. Sadly, if you add the total flu incidence for A and B together (which the authors don't do in their tables), vitamin D supplementation didn't reduce total flu incidence significantly.

They also found that in the subset of children not already taking vitamin D supplements, the effect was greater, with unsupplemented children contracting nearly three times as many influenza A infections as children receiving vitamin D. They didn't analyze the influenza B or total influenza incidence in that way, so we don't know if prior supplementation makes a difference there.

The most striking finding of the paper is that the vitamin D group suffered from 6 times fewer asthma attacks than the placebo group. This needs to be repeated but it's consistent with other data and I find it very encouraging.

The paper did have some limitations. They didn't measure vitamin D status so they have no way to know exactly how effective their pill-based supplements were.

Another problem is that they began collecting data immediately after beginning supplementation. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that can take 3 months to reach maximum concentration in the body following supplementation. By the time the children were reaching their maximum serum concentration of vitamin D, the trial was over. It would be nice to see the next trial begin supplementation in the fall and look at flu incidence in the winter.

This paper comes on the heels of another showing that vitamin D is necessary for the activation of an immune cell called the killer T cell (2). These are important for resistance to infections and cancer. Overall, these papers add to the accumulating evidence that vitamin D is important for the proper functioning of the human immune system. However, mice may not be the best model for use in studying vitamin D biology. From the first paper:
The evolution of different mechanisms for the regulation of PLC-γ1 activity in human and mouse T cells parallels the development of divergent VDR-dependent and VDR-independent antimicrobial pathways in human and mouse macrophages31, respectively, and may reflect the fact that mice are nocturnal animals with fur and humans are daytime creatures that synthesize vitamin D in the skin after exposure to ultraviolet light.
In other words, mice don't use vitamin D in the same way as humans because they have a different evolutionary relationship to it.


A False Dichotomy

In the discussion section of the last post, the eternal argument about non-industrial people arose: were their lives (a) "nasty, brutish and short" (Hobbes), or were they (b) "noble savages" (Shaftesbury) living in Eden? The former argument states that they had awful lives, and we should be glad we're living int he 21st century. The latter argument implies that we should emulate them as much as possible. Each side is bursting with anecdotes to support their position.

Any time the discussion reaches this point, it stops providing us anything useful. The argument is a false dichotomy, one in which neither answer is correct. The correct answer is (c): none of the above. Some aspects of hunter-gatherer life are preferable to ours, and some aspects of our lives are preferable to theirs. Understanding that we spent a lot of evolutionary time as hunter-gatherers, as well as a few thousand years in small, tightly knit agricultural communities, may be useful in understanding how to work constructively with our own bodies and minds in the modern world.

So please, let's leave behind the false dichotomy and foster a more nuanced understanding of hunter-gatherer life.

PGA Tour Golf Fitness Instructor, Gabriel Lopez & Vijay Singh - Getting Through The Ball

Vijay Singh using Keiser Functional Trainer. Great exercise to develop golf functional strength, power and speed.

PGA Tour Golf Strength Coach, Gabriel Lopez & Vijay Singh - Push/Pull Combo (Horizontal)

Push/Pull Combo (Horizontal)

The Paleolithic Mind

I went to a meditation retreat this week with the Red Cedar Zen community in Bellingham. It was a good experience. Staring at a wall from 6 am to 9 pm for a few days gives you the opportunity to learn a few things about your mind. Some of these are things you already know on some level, but you just need to have them reinforced. For example, the weight of psychological stress that we carry in modern societies like the US. It's only when it goes away for a while that you can see how heavy it was.

I'm totally ignorant of the scientific literature on this, but the way I see it, there are at least two main sources of psychological stress in the modern world for which we aren't well equipped as human beings:
  • Being eternally and inescapably subordinate in a large social structure
  • Having too many responsibilities such as possessions and obligations
I recently read an excellent article by Michael Finkel in National Geographic magazine on the Hadza of Tanzania. The Hadza are a hunter-gatherer group living in a way that may resemble how our ancestors lived for most of the last million years. Here are a few characteristics of the Hadza lifestyle as described by the author:
The Hadza do not engage in warfare [although they do have homicide]. They've never lived densely enough to be seriously threatened by an infectious outbreak. They have no known history of famine; rather, there is evidence of people from a farming group coming to live with them during a time of crop failure. The Hadza diet remains even today more stable and varied than that of most of the world's citizens. They enjoy an extraordinary amount of leisure time. Anthropologists have estimated that they "work"—actively pursue food—four to six hours a day. And over all these thousands of years, they've left hardly more than a footprint on the land.
This isn't intended to idealize their lifestyle, but to point out that being a hunter-gatherer has its advantages. One of these is a minimal social structure in which each person is has full authority over himself:
The Hadza recognize no official leaders. Camps are tra­ditionally named after a senior male (hence, Onwas's camp), but this honor does not confer any particular power. Individual autonomy is the hallmark of the Hadza. No Hadza adult has authority over any other. None has more wealth; or, rather, they all have no wealth. There are few social obligations—no birthdays, no religious holidays, no anniversaries.
Even "marriage" doesn't carry much obligation. The author describes the Hadza as "serial monogamists". The idea of an eternal bond between two individuals doesn't exist. Women are not subordinate to men:
Gender roles are distinct, but for women there is none of the forced subservience knit into many other cultures. A significant number of Hadza women who marry out of the group soon return, unwilling to accept bullying treatment. Among the Hadza, women are frequently the ones who initiate a breakup—woe to the man who proves himself an incompetent hunter or treats his wife poorly. In Onwas's camp, some of the loudest, brashest members were women.
Contrast this with modern civilizations in which everyone has a boss-- whether it's at a job, in a marriage or under your country's legal system. I think this feeling of perpetual subordination is destructive to an animal such as ourselves, that has spent so much of its existence mostly free of these pressures.

The author says this about their possessions:
Traditional Hadza, like Onwas and his camp mates, live almost entirely free of possessions. The things they own—a cooking pot, a water container, an ax—can be wrapped in a blanket and carried over a shoulder.
This resembles other African hunter-gatherer groups that have few and simple tools. From the book The !Kung San: Men, Women and Work in a Foraging Society:
!Kung tools are few in number, lightweight, made from locally available materials, and multipurpose.
Again, this is in sharp contrast to the modern world, where we have so many belongings it's impossible to keep track of them all. We have giant houses that we "need" to store all these things, and still it doesn't seem like enough. Many of our possessions are indispensable if we want to fit in to society. We need (or feel we need) clothes, cookware, identification, money, transportation, furniture, tools, sports gear, et cetera. Having to be responsible for this extraordinary quantity of possessions (by evolutionary standards) is a heavy weight on our minds.

Unfortunately, we have more than just possessions on our minds. To live in the modern world is to be pricked to death by a thousand small responsibilities. Remember to make your lunch. Remember to make a doctor's appointment, shop for groceries, tie your shoes, get your oil changed, send that e-mail, make dinner, go for a jog, vacuum the floor, take a shower, pick up the kids-- the list is endless. Are our memories as defective as we think they are, or are we simply not designed to keep track of so many details?

In hunter-gatherer times, we had stress. Homicide, accidents, infectious disease and predation were always stalking us. But it was a totally different kind of stress-- it was occasional, powerful and brief rather than a constant flow of obligations clogging the paths of our minds. Most days were leisurely, with plenty of time for gossiping, staring at the clouds and dozing off.

Those times are gone for us, but perhaps keeping them in mind can help us live more constructively in the modern world. I find that meditation helps keep the thousand pricks of modern life in perspective, perhaps bringing my mind closer to the paleolithic state.

Fitness Power Show "Gabriel"

edytowany specjalnie dla FANKI z Bułgarii :)

Stress Relief Games - Play Your Way to a New You

"Take the stairs, not the elevator," has become the mantra of fitness gurus everywhere when if comes to stress relief games. The idea is to incorporate movement into everyday life, which is an excellent idea, but it doesn't stop at the stairs. To practice a successful calorie shifting diet and boost your metabolism you must learn to get active. If you're like me, the idea of hitting the gym seems taxing and a bit humiliating-what if somebody sees me trip and do a nose dive on the treadmill? It is important to schedule some traditional exercise in your life (I opt for vinyasa yoga), but a lot can be accomplished simply by channeling your inner-child.

The word workout starts with work, and as adults most of us get enough of that.

What we sometimes miss out on is having fun. As children we knew how to play. An oak tree or an action figure was all we needed for a whole afternoon of activity. And even though I tossed out my Ninja Turtles and Legos long ago, I've found that re-inventing the art of play has does wonders for my body and mind.

I can't stress enough the power of the play date. It's great for your social life and best of all you don't have to beg your older brother to drive you. Adult playtime can include dancing, hiking, or even a game night. Twister and charades will get you moving, and I can personally admit to working up a sweat many times while playing the Nintendo Wii. Wee! Usually meet up for coffee to gab? Get it to go and take your chat fest for a walk. Better yet, opt for green tea to top off the outing with antioxidants.

Because we can't always choose playtime over office hours it's a good idea to make the most of eight to five. Do take the steps over the elevator, but don't stop there. Start the day right by getting off the bus a couple stops early or parking at the far end of the lot. You might even find a skip in your step if you take your I-Pod along. This will also give you a little time to mentally prepare yourself for the day. Since sitting at a desk all day drains you of energy, make the effort to get out of your cube as often as possible. Don't yell at, e-mail, or call someone across the office. By walking to them you'll get your blood flowing a bit and will probably find co-workers to be more helpful in person. Carry this habit over to your home life as well-shouting up a flight of stairs to another family member only creates stress in the home.

After hours, there are plenty of great ways to loosen up.

Museums, gardens, and even the mall are all great places to wind down with out sitting down. As children there was no greater adventure than a bit of exploration. You don't have to jet off to another continent to see new wonders. Try ambling down a new avenue or taking a risk by setting out into the woods (carefully of course). Don't like going it alone? Adopting a dog will make walking fun and will give you a reason to get out and about every day.

The point is to lighten up your attitude as well as your body. Enjoy life with more enthusiasm and you'll find that movement comes naturally. Get into the music and dance-even sing into the spatula while cooking dinner. Shake out your frustration, really stretch in the morning, literally jump for joy! Don't let anybody do things for you that you can do for yourself-carry your own grocery bags to the car, take out the trash, take pride in your strength and have fun. Playing everyday will make the path toward wellness seem like hopscotch. Stress relief games are important for everyone!

Holiday Gifts That Need Your Attention in 2008

As you begin shopping for holiday gifts this Christmas, start out with an organized list and a budget. Next, consider the person on your list for personality traits and do a Google search for something like "Gifts for readers," "Gifts for travelers" or "Gifts for engineers." For an excellent resource where you can search for the men, women, seniors and teens in your life, try "Gifts Ideas" holiday section.

Electronics are big for Christmas gifts, making up 4/10 of the top wish list items for 2008 (Consumer Electronics Holiday Purchase Patterns Study). Nearly 80% of adults and 84% of kids said they'd like an electronic gift this year. So what's hot for this Christmas season? Computers, video game consoles, portable MP3 players, mobile phones and digital cameras topped this year's Christmas wish list. For computers, check out laptops at "Dell", where you can find products for as low as $376.

The Nintendo Wii is still the game console of choice this year, with its wide array of fun virtual-reality-type games. The price has come down a lot over the years, retailing for around $300. The X-Box 360 is another good option for the gamer. In the world of portable MP3 players, iPods still reign supreme, retailing between $149 and $300.

The iTouch is the most coveted mobile phone on the market for 2008, known for its touchscreen, application support and versatility. For cameras, check out the Canon PowerShot series, where you can find great value for under $300. The Nikon SLR cameras have come down in price a lot and the Sony CyberShot is said to be a good buy as well for that perfect Christmas gift.

Choosing holiday gifts for in-laws can be nerve wracking, especially if you're a little strapped for cash this holiday season. You can try a magazine subscription like Readers Digest, GQ, Esquire, Cosmo, Vanity Fair, National Geographic, Newsweek or The New Yorker. Music CDs are another Christmas present idea for under $25 that could show thoughtfulness. You can try opera, holiday albums, ancestral folk music or oldies, to play it safe. Audiobooks could be a safer bet if you're really not sure what your in-laws' interests are.

If they're particularly computer savvy, sites like "Audible" offer monthly subscriptions and unlimited downloads. Gourmet coffees, gift baskets, Christmas plants or edible arrangements also make a nice treat. Spa certificates can pamper your in-laws and are something they wouldn't usually buy for themselves. At "Amazing Clubs", you can send monthly wines, cheeses, ice creams, beers and a number of other goodies in the mail, although this is a little more expensive.

If you're looking for holiday gifts for young children, then try to find something that encourages new interests and discoveries. For the little reader, "Mosnose" has a book called "Mo Smells Red," which contains a neat push-and-sniff feature that kids will love! Also, "Frog Town Central" has a musical book called "One Night In Frogtown." At "Freckle Box", you can have books personalized for your little one, with their name inserted as the character.

For music lovers, visit "Spin Master" to see some of Yo Gabba Gabba's dancing fuzzy monster toys, including: Dance Time Brobee, Gab 'n Sing TooDee and Muno's Groovin' Guitar. Leap Frog's Learn & Groove Musical Table is perfect for kids ages 6 months - 3 years. Little artists will love the Doodle Mat, while toddlers and older kids alike will enjoy Crayola's Color Wonder Magic Light Brush. Crayola Beginnings TaDoodles Scribble & Sing Art Station is another fulfilling game for those 18 months and up. There are a number of gifts for little ones this Christmas season, so happy shopping!

The Nature of Humans

Take some time to wander around your marketplace and you'll have many close encounters of the third kind with the most interesting species in all of nature: the human being... your potential new patient.

And just as we have learned about the nature of other animals, we also know that the nature of humans isn't much different: All need to breathe, eat, drink, procreate, and survive. One of the manifestations of being self-aware is that beyond whatever humans need, they also want things.

The most essential fact that Chiropreneurs need to grasp about the nature of those very important humans... your Patients... is the difference between what they need and what they want.

Everyone who owns an automobile will need to buy new tires at some point. But what they want is to not blow an entire Saturday finding and acquiring tires.

So if you're in the tire business, should you advertise your tires, which are commodities and, therefore, very much like those of your competitors? Or should you develop a marketing initiative that anticipates when a customer's tires need replacing and handles that project for them, including pick-up and delivery?

How about this tag line: "New tires AND your Saturday back."?

Basically the hairless weenies of the animal kingdom, people, need the shelter of a house. But what we want is a home.

So if you're a realtor, should you focus your assistance on the obligatory list of a house's features, or how the physical setting and interior space fit what you've learned is your customer's sense of what a home should be? Try this on:

"Mrs. Johnson, countertops can be replaced. What I want to know is how much will you enjoy the sun rising over that ridge as you enjoy your first cup of coffee every morning?"

People, like thousands of other warm-blooded species, need to eat every day, whether they get to or not. But unlike other animals, only people want to dine.

So if you own a fine dining restaurant, do you emphasize the food that will soon be forgotten, or the atmosphere that can create a memory? Check this out:

"Long after you've forgotten how wonderful our food is, you will still remember that table for two in the corner or the booth next to the fireplace."

In the 21st century marketplace the difference between delivering what customers want and trying to sell them stuff you think they need is, as Mark Twain said, "like the difference between lightning and a lightning bug."

People don't want to purchase a quarter-inch drill, they want quarter-inch holes.

Now, how does this all apply to your practice? Well, People don't want to be patients. Just the word alone turns people off... it means in most cases that they have a problem. What they want to enjoy is a healthier and more active lifestyle... free from PAIN.

They don't want to come to your office and wait 30 minutes for their appointment. They don't want to run all over town "buying" health products and services, they want one-stop convenience. They don't want to gab with the doctor for 20 minutes on each visit, they want to be in and out in 3 minutes or less.

The want to LIVE. They want MOVEMENT. They want to be play with their kids or grandchildren. They want to work and provide for their family.

Is your marketing addressing what they want, or what you think they need?

Chiropractic survival requires that we do what we do better than anyone else: deliver what patients want.

Find out what your Prospex or Patients want, and then deliver it! If they want to come in at 5:00 A.M. or during the lunch hour or at 7:00 P.M. at night... deliver what they want!

No, I am not saying that you have to be all things to all people, but, find out what your optimum patient wants and then construct your marketing to attract more of those people.

Not everyone wants the cheapest office visit or one adjustment per year...

... some folks actual want to enjoy a healthier and more active lifestyle, everyday, all year for many years too come.

Now, come up with your "story" and let people know you have what they want, not what you want to give them.

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Vijay Singh's Fitness Trainer (Gabriel Lopez) Part 2 Interviewed by Gabriel Writer - - Hey Everybody its Gabriel Writer. This is an interview i did with Fitness Specialist Gabriel Lopez. Gabriel Lopez has trained body builders, NFL athletes, College athletes, ceo's, and many more. Gabriel is now training PGA Tour player Vijay Singh. Gabriel travels week in and week out with Vijay giving him world class strength and conditioning coaching. Check out Gabriels website where he showes you the same excercises he does with Vijay. And check out my website for video golf tips, drills, lessons, and more interviews. PS Click the video to go to part 1

Book Review: S.P.E.E.D.

This book was sent to me by Matt Schoeneberger, who co-authored it with Jeff Thiboutot. Both have master's degrees in exercise science and health promotion. S.P.E.E.D. stands for Sleep, Psychology, Exercise, Environment and Diet. The authors have attempted to create a concise, comprehensive weight loss strategy based on what they feel is the most compelling scientific evidence available. It's subtitled "The Only Weight Loss Book Worth Reading". Despite the subtitle that's impossible to live up to, it was an interesting and well-researched book. It was a very fast read at 205 large-print pages including 32 pages of appendices and index.

I really appreciate the abundant in-text references the authors provided. I have a hard time taking a health and nutrition book seriously that doesn't provide any basis to evaluate its statements. There are already way too many people flapping their lips out there, without providing any outside support for their statements, for me to tolerate that sort of thing. Even well-referenced books can be a pain if the references aren't in the text itself. Schoeneberger and Thiboutot provided appropriate, accessible references for nearly every major statement in the book.

Chapter one, "What is a Healthy Weight", discusses the evidence for an association between body weight and health. They note that both underweight and obesity are associated with poor health outcomes, whereas moderate overweight isn't. While I agree, I continue to maintain that being fairly lean and appropriately muscled (which doesn't necessarily mean muscular) is probably optimal. The reason that people with a body mass index (BMI) considered to be "ideal" aren't healthier on average than people who are moderately overweight may have to do with the fact that many people with an "ideal" BMI are skinny-fat, i.e. have low muscle mass and too much abdominal fat.

Chapter 2, "Sleep", discusses the importance of sleep in weight regulation and overall health. They reference some good studies and I think they make a compelling case that it's important. Chapter 3, "Psychology", details psychological strategies to motivate and plan for effective weight loss.

Chapter 4, "Exercise", provides an exercise plan for weight loss. The main message: do it! I think they give a fair overview of the different categories of exercise and their relative merits, including high-intensity intermittent training (HIIT). However, the exercise regimen they suggest is intense and will probably lead to overtraining in many people. They recommend resistance training major, multi-joint exercises, 1-3 sets to muscular failure 2-4 days a week. I've been at the higher end of that recommendation and it made my joints hurt, plus I was weaker than when I strength trained less frequently. I think the lower end of their recommendation, 1 set of each exercise to failure twice a week, is more than sufficient to meet the goal of maximizing improvements in body composition in most people. My current routine is one brief strength training session and one sprint session per week (in addition to my leisurely cycle commute), which works well for me on a cost-benefit level. However, I was stronger when I was strength training twice a week and never going to muscular failure (a la Pavel Tsatsouline).

Chapter 5, "Environment", is an interesting discussion of different factors that promote excessive calorie intake, such as the setting of the meal, the company or lack thereof, and food presentation. While they support their statements very well with evidence from scientific studies, I do have a lingering doubt about these types of studies: as far as I know, they're all based on short-term interventions. Science would be a lot easier if short-term always translated to long term, but unfortunately that's not the case. For example, studies lasting one or two weeks show that low glycemic index foods cause a reduction in calorie intake and greater feelings of fullness. However, this effect disappears in the long term, and numerous controlled trials show that low glycemic index diets have no effect on food intake, body weight or insulin sensitivity in the long term. I reviewed those studies here.

The body has homeostatic mechanisms (homeostatic = maintains the status quo) that regulate long-term energy balance. Whether short-term changes in calorie intake based on environmental cues would translate into sustained changes that would have a significant impact on body fat, I don't know. For example, if you eat a meal with your extended family at a restaurant that serves massive portions, you might eat twice as much as you would by yourself in your own home. But the question is, will your body factor that huge meal into your subsequent calorie intake and energy expenditure over the following days? The answer is clearly yes, but the degree of compensation is unclear. Since I'm not aware of any trials indicating that changing meal context can actually lead to long-term weight loss, I can't put much faith in this strategy (if you know otherwise, please link to the study in the comments).

Chapter 6, "Diet", is a very brief discussion of what to eat for weight loss. They basically recommend a low-calorie, low-carb diet focused on whole, natural foods. I think low-carbohydrate diets can be useful for some overweight people trying to lose weight, if for no other reason than the fact that they make it easier to control appetite. In addition, a subset of people respond very well to carbohydrate restriction in terms of body composition, health and well-being. The authors emphasize nutrient density, but don't really explain how to achieve it. It would have been nice to see a discussion of a few topics such as organ meats, leafy greens, dairy quality (pastured vs. conventional) and vitamin D. These may not help you lose weight, but they will help keep you healthy, particularly on a calorie-restricted diet. The authors also recommend a few energy bars, powders and supplements that I don't support. They state that they have no financial connection to the manufacturers of the products they recommend.

I'm wary of their recommendation to deliberately restrict calorie intake. Although it will clearly cause fat loss if you restrict calories enough, it's been shown to be ineffective for sustainable, long-term fat loss over and over again. The only exception is the rare person with an iron will who is able to withstand misery indefinitely. I'm going to keep an open mind on this question though. There may be a place for deliberate calorie restriction in the right context. But at this point I'm going to require some pretty solid evidence that it's effective, sustainable, and doesn't have unacceptable side effects.

The book contains a nice bonus, an appendix titled "What is Quality Evidence"? It's a brief discussion of common logical pitfalls when evaluating evidence, and I think many people could benefit from reading it.

Overall, S.P.E.E.D. was a worthwhile read, definitely superior to 95% of fat loss books. With some caveats mentioned above, I think it could be a useful resource for someone interested in fat loss.

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